Home Bible Study Fellowships Affiliation Application

Membership Application

Thank you for joining us!          *means required information

NOTE: This information will not be shared with anyone or sold to any agencies.  It is for our administrative use only.


Personal Information

* First Name: * Gender:
Middle Name:
* Last Name:
*Email Address: * Marital Status:
If Married, Spouse's Full Name:
 Permanent Address
(Street, R.R., or P.O. Box):

* City: * State:
* Zipcode+4: County:
Home Telephone: ( )
Cell Phone Number: ( )
2nd E-Mail Address:
Date of Birth: Place of Birth:
Ethnic Background (optional): Other:
* Citizenship: Other:
Church Name or Home Fellowship:
Phone Number: ( )
City: State:
How many adults attend your fellowship?:
Senior Pastor or Leader's name:
Youth Pastor or Youth Leader's name:
How did you hear about
Home Bible Study Fellowships?

Have you attended a conference with us? Yes No
Which one?

Are you part of a Home Fellowship or Home Church? Yes No
If yes, in what capacity?
Leader Attendee
* Please select one of the following:


Personal Information

* Have you personally accepted Jesus Christ as your Savior? Yes No
If YES, describe your relationship with Jesus Christ. Include a statement indicating how you came to such a commitment.
If NO, please tell us why you are interested in Home Bible Study Fellowships

* Do you feel God is leading you to start a Home Church?
If yes, explain:

Community Values Expectations

Home Bible Study Fellowships, as an evangelical Nondenominational Christian Organization, is a community of various Home Churches joined together to further what God is doing in these last days and assist you with personal development and spiritual growth. Together the community seeks to honor Christ by integrating faith, learning and living while its members' hearts and lives mature in relationship to Jesus Christ and to each other. With this purpose, please respond to the following questions regarding this community:

* 1. Are you committed to Christ as your personal Savior? Yes No
Are you teaching or in ministry? Yes No

Faith in God's Word should lead to behavior displaying His authority in our lives. Scripture teaches that certain attributes such as love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control are to be manifested by members of the Christian community. By contrast, Scripture condemns such attitudes as greed, lust, needless anger, an unforgiving spirit, pride, and personal power.

* 2. Will you seek these positive attributes and avoid the
negative attitudes in your life ?
Yes No

Furthermore, certain behaviors are expressly prohibited by Scripture. These include dishonesty in all forms (lying, stealing, cheating), impurity in speech (gossip, slander, profanity), sexual impurity (premarital sex, adultery, homosexual behavior) and substance abuse.

* 3. Do you agree to avoid these behaviors ? Yes No

Corporate worship aids in community behavior and support of the body of Christ. We gather as a community at special times for nurture and admonition in the things of God. These activities include your own weekly Home Fellowship meetings, our annual conference and other Organizational related events.

* 4. Are you committed to building your home fellowship and trying to attend our annual conference? Yes No

Scripture teaches that all our actions (work, study, play) should be performed to the glory of God. We endeavor, therefore, to be selective in choices of entertainment and recreation, promoting those which strengthen the body of Christ and avoiding those which would diminish sensitivity to Christian responsibility.

* 5. Will you avoid unwholesome materials and
Yes No

It should be the goal of our members  to be above reproach.  This means that you will live your life as an example of Christ's love to those with whom you interact.  It is expected that students maintain a high standard of morality and Godly living at all times.

For more information, mail us:

Home Bible Study Fellowships
P.O. Box 3371, Dana Point, CA. 92629

I understand the personal conduct expectations and agree to abide by them. I certify that all the information contained in this application is correct, and that the opinions expressed are mine. Submitting this form indicates that I have answered the above questions truthfully and understand fully the expectations placed upon me as a member of  Home Bible Study Fellowships.
