Our purpose is for the church to be set apart for Jesus Christ, without compromise, and Home Bible Study Fellowships is doing just that! When you gather in your home on a certain night for a home Bible study it is a time to affirm what God is doing and provide a place for Young Adults to come for continued growth. When you come you will encounter a group of believers whose ambition is to live fully for our Lord Jesus Christ in a passionate way.
2 Timothy 2:21 “Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from what is dishonorable, he will be a vessel for honorable use, set apart as holy, useful to the master of the house, ready for every good work.”
Who we are: People from various walks of life whose desires are to know, follow and obey Jesus and walk with Him unstained in this world.
What we teach: The Bible and only the Bible, book by book and verse by verse. We believe the Bible is the perfect and flawless Word of God. That it has been proven, tried, and cannot be refuted, therefore there is no need to teach from anything else.
Why we meet: 3 reasons: 1) To equip one another to be ready and able to defend the Word of God. 2) To live out the Word as we abide in it our day to day lives. 3) To have regular accountability with each other, making sure we live this life we proclaim and believe.
When we meet: Pick you night and stick to it!
Where we meet: Contact us for directions. Contact info: pb@livingwater.cc
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